New City Bylaws

 Bylaws Of New City Church at The Mill, Inc.


These Bylaws (hereafter “Bylaws”) govern the affairs of New City Church at The Mill, Inc., a Georgia Domestic 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation (hereafter the “Church”). The Church is incorporated and organized under the laws and guidelines of the State of Georgia as provided under Title 14 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated and the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code, O.C.G.A. Section 14-3-101, et sec (hereafter the “Code”)



1.0 Name of Corporation

The name of the corporation is New City Church at The Mill, Inc.

1.1 Principal Office and Mailing Address

The principal office of the Church is located at 224 E. Walton St., Milledgeville, Georgia, Baldwin County. The mailing address for the Church is 224 E. Walton St., Milledgeville, Georgia 31061.

1.2 Change of Address

The designation of the county or state of the Church's principal office may be changed by amendment of these Bylaws. The Board of Directors (hereafter “Council of Elders”) may change the principal office from one location to another within the named county, and such changes of address shall not be deemed, nor require, an amendment of these Bylaws.

1.3 Other Offices

The Church may also have offices at such other places, within or without its state of incorporation, where it is qualified to do business, as its business and activities may require, and as the Council of Elders may, from time to time, designate.




2.1 IRC Section 501(c)(3) Purposes

The Church is organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

2.2 Specific Objective and Purposes

The specific objective of the Church shall be:

(1) “The Mission of New City Church at The Mill is to help others live in light of the Gospel.”

(2) New City Church at The Mill will provide regular opportunities for worship that will include praying, preaching, singing, teaching, counseling, fellowshipping and observing communion and baptism.

The purposes for which the Church is organized are:

(1) To engage in such religious, educational, charitable, and benevolent activities as are permitted to be carried on by a Church exempt from federal income tax under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

(2) To accept donations and contributions, either in trust or otherwise, for all the foregoing purposes.

(3) To do any and all other things necessary or incident to the above and foregoing purposes and powers, including all of the rights, powers and authority incident to general domestic non-profit corporations organized under the laws of the State of Georgia.




3.1 Non-Voting Members

The Church will not have members for State law purposes but shall have non-voting members that are admitted to membership as set out herein. New City Church at The Mill members shall be called Partners and membership shall be called Partnership.

3.2 Voting Partners

Partners will be added to the roles of membership upon signing a Partnership covenant to become a part of the fellowship and by completing such other requirements as determined by the Council of Elders. Partners will be entitled to vote in all matters pertaining to their congregation as determined by these Bylaws.

3.2 Partner Discipline

New City Church at The Mill will practice church discipline in accordance with the instructions of the Bible under the leadership of the Elders (Matthew 18). Partners of the Church are not guaranteed confidentiality regarding issues of church discipline and understand that in submitting themselves to the authority of the Church, issues of a sensitive or personal nature may become known to others. This includes, but is not limited to, notification of the authorities if a crime has been committed and/or if a real threat of someone being endangered exists (Romans 13:1–7), as well as other violations of scripture that may not result in physical danger. A Partner of the Church may be removed by the Council of Elders.

3.3 Suspension of Participation in Church Activities

Separate and apart from the process of Church discipline, but subject to the discretion and approval of the Elders, a Partner, non-partner regular participant in Church activities, or other individual, may be notified that he or she is not to be present upon Church premises or off premises Church functions for such a period of time as is deemed necessary by the Elders. Such required absence may, but need not be, concurrent with Church discipline of that person.

3.4 Partner Removal and Termination of Partnership

Partnership in the congregation of New City Church at The Mill may be terminated in the following ways:

(1) By transfer: The policy of the Church will be to issue letters of transfer only upon the request of the church with which the Partner desires to unite.

(2) By removal: A Partner’s name may be dropped from the partnership roll of this Church upon written request of such Partner, providing that the Partner is not involved in a Church discipline situation with the elders. See also, item (5) below.

(3) By inactivity: If the Elders determine that a partner has been inactive through lack of attendance, interest, or failing to carry out his/her responsibilities as a Partner in the Church ministry over a period of six months or more, the Partner will be contacted by the Elders and encouraged to fulfill his/her commitment of Partnership. Should the Partner indicate a preference to not renew commitment, the Partner’s name will be dropped from the Partnership roll of the Church.

(4) By death of the Partner.

(5) By exclusion through Church discipline: As defined in New City Church at The Mill’s discipline statement provided during the Partnership Process, a Partner who is involved in the church discipline process is not eligible to initiate removal until the disciplinary situation is resolved.




4.1 Elders

Elders will serve the congregation in a manner consistent with these bylaws. Elders will be appointed and approved by the congregation in a manner consistent with these Bylaws.

4.2 Qualifications of Elders

All Elders of the Church must be fully committed and fully involved partners in the life of the Church. Eldership is limited to those equipped by God to function in that role as compared against the following Biblical standards: Male (1 Timothy 2:11-15; 1 Corinthians 11:3-16), Biblically and Theologically Competent and Correct (Titus 1:9-11), Respected by God’s People (1 Timothy 3:4-7), Responsible and Professional in Habit and Lifestyle (Titus 1:5-9), Gifted with Elder-like Gifts, Servant and Shepherding Oriented (Hebrews 13:17; James 5:14; 1 Peter 5:1-4), Emotionally and Spiritually Mature (Titus 1:5-8; 1 Timothy 3:1-3), Relationally Pure (1 Timothy 3:4-7), and Flexible Life Station (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13). While we respect the value of allowing for theological diversity within the Church, we recognize the importance of maintaining the theological unity and integrity of the Church’s leadership. To that extent, all Elders and staff at the Church must demonstrate agreement with the Church’s Doctrinal Statement, as determined by the Council of Elders.

4.3 Duties of Elders

Elders have, under the Lordship of Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the following duties among others:

(1) It shall be the duty of the Elders to exercise oversight over the Church, shepherding the flock without lording it over them (1 Peter 5:2), to guard the purity of doctrine, and to establish and interpret policy consistent with these bylaws. The Elders shall act for the Church in the reception, discipline, and dismissal of partners in accordance with these bylaws. They shall minister in the teaching of the Word, counseling the needy, comforting the afflicted, and visiting the sick;

(2) to manage, govern and direct the affairs of the Church subject to the Certificate of Incorporation and these bylaws;

(3) to make such rules and regulations as shall be necessary for the protection of the property of the Church and for the preservation of good order in the conduct of its affairs;

(4) to keep an official record of corporate proceedings which shall be open to inspection by all Elders;

(5) to make or approve such appointments as are provided in the Articles of Incorporation and these bylaws.

Elders are charged with protecting and promoting the mission, vision, and doctrine of New City Church at The Mill.

Elders will lead, shepherd, and care for the congregation.

There may be matters concerning the Church which the Elders, at their discretion, will seek the approval of the Partnership of the congregation.

4.4 Initial Appointment of Elders

The first appointment of Elders of shall occur under the discretion and leadership of the Lead Pastor who serves as an Elder until resignation or removal occurs in accordance with these Bylaws. Once Elders are recommended by the Lead Pastor to the Partners, the appointment of these local Elders will occur in accordance with these Bylaws.

4.5 Lead Pastor

The Lead Pastor of the congregation shall function as the first among equals in the congregation and among Elders. The Lead Pastor shall have the primary responsibility to teach, equip, and help care for the overall direction of the Elders and their families as well as the Congregation. In addition, he shall perform such duties as are incumbent on such officer, including making certain that all orders and resolutions of the Elders are carried into effect. The Lead Pastor shall have the necessary authority and responsibility to operate the congregation of New City Church at The Mill in all its activities and departments subject only to the policies adopted and the orders issued by the Elders in accordance with these Bylaws.

4.6 Appointment of Elders

Elder appointment will be held as Elder Candidates are assessed and trained in a manner deemed appropriate by those currently serving as Elders. The Lead Pastor will oversee this process in the congregation he is entrusted to lead. Other Elders will be involved in this process as needed. When the Elders affirm the candidates for the open term, the list will be issued in writing to the Partnership of New City Church at The Mill. Partners will be given an opportunity to respond to the recommendation in writing. Any substantiated concerns will be investigated by the Elders. Appointment will follow this affirmation.

4.7 Salaried and Non-salaried Elders

The Council of Elders will seek to maintain a balance of men who are salaried and non-salaried on the Council of Elders. Both will meet the same qualifications as established in these Bylaws.

4.8 Term of Elders

Elders will serve a lifetime term. An Elder can be removed at any time by an affirmative unanimous decision of the rest of the Council of Elders or may resign from eldership.

4.9 Resignation or Removal of Elders

Any Elder may resign from the Office of Elder by written notification to the Lead Pastor. Any Elder may be removed from office by the Council of Elders for valid cause. A written notice of the proposed removal of an Elder shall be given to such Elder by the Lead Pastor at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting in which any action to affect such removal is to be taken to ensure that the Elder is given a reasonable opportunity of defense. Such removal shall take place only upon and after the affirmative unanimous vote of the Elders present at such meeting. The Elder whose removal is sought shall not be entitled to vote upon such action. Upon removal, the congregation will be informed.

4.10 Office of Deacon

Deacons may be appointed as needed in order to serve the administrative and organizational needs of the Church. Deacons will be partners of the Church who meet the qualifications for the Office of Deacon as set forth in the Bible (Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3). Deacons will serve under the leadership of the Elders. Deacons may be male or female.

4.11 Appointment of Deacons

Deacon appointment will be held as needed to accommodate the Church’s service requirements. The congregation, including the Council of Elders, and other Deacons, would recommend Deacon Candidates. Deacon Candidates will be assessed and trained prior to appointment in a manner deemed appropriate by the Elders. When the Council of Elders affirms the candidates, the list will be issued in writing to the Partners of New City Church at The Mill. Partners will be given an opportunity (not less than two weeks) to respond to the recommendation in writing. The Elders will investigate any substantiated concerns. Appointment by the Elders will follow this affirmation.

4.12 Deacon Terms

Deacons would serve for one (1) year with potential for renewal if the task to which they are appointed continues to be needed.

4.13 Deacon Resignation or Removal

Any Deacon may resign by written notification to the Elders. Any Deacon may be removed from office by the Elders for valid cause. A written notice of the proposed removal of a Deacon shall be given to such Deacon by the Elders at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting in which any action to affect such removal is to be taken to ensure that the Deacon is given a reasonable opportunity of defense. Such removal shall take place only upon and after the affirmative unanimous vote of the Elders present at such meeting in accordance with these Bylaws. Upon removal, the congregation will be informed.

4.14 Meetings

Elders shall hold meetings ad hoc. Any meeting of the Elders may be held at the call of the Lead Pastor, subject to giving adequate notice to all involved Elders.

4.15 Notice

Unless notice is waived in writing, meetings of the Elders shall be held upon not less than three full days’ notice to be given in person, by mail, by electronic mail, through social media, or by telephone. Attendance of an Elder at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting except where such Elder attends the meeting for the express purposes of objecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. The business to be transacted at, or the purposes of any meeting of the Council of Elders shall be specified in the notice or waiver of notice at such meeting.

4.16 Waiver of Notice

Whenever any notice whatsoever is required to be given under the provisions of the Code or under the provisions of these Bylaws, a waiver thereof in writing, signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice, whether before or after the meeting with respect to which such notice would otherwise be required, and filed with the Lead Pastor or the Secretary, shall be deemed equivalent to giving such notice.

4.17 Quorum and Majority Vote

A quorum at all meetings of Elders shall consist of 100% of the whole body of Elders if there are five (5) or fewer Elders and two-thirds (2/3) of the whole body of Elders if there are more than five (5) Elders. In order for the Elders to act, the quorum must be reached, and a three-fourths (¾) majority vote must be recorded except where stipulated otherwise by these Bylaws.

4.18 Budget Process

The Elders are responsible for the budget. Financial information will be made available to the Partners at least annually.

4.19 Statement of Biblical Authority

The statement of faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith. At New City Church at The Mill, we believe that the Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God, speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, and is the sole and final source of all that we believe. For purposes of church doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, the Elders of New City Church at The Mill are the Church’s final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application as it applies to the functions of New City Church at The Mill.




5.1 General

The Church recognizes two ordinances: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

5.2 Baptism

The church shall receive for baptism any person who has received Jesus Christ as Savior by personal faith and who indicates a commitment to follow Christ as Lord. Baptism shall be by total immersion in water. The Elders, or whomever the Elders authorize, shall administer baptism. Baptismal services shall be scheduled at the discretion of the Elders.

5.3 The Lord’s Supper

The Church shall observe the Lord’s Supper in keeping with the commands of the Bible at such times as the Elders deem appropriate. Participation in the Lord’s Supper will not be limited to New City Church at The Mill Partners but shall be open to anyone professing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.




6.1 Autonomy

The Church is autonomous and maintains the right to govern its own affairs, independent of any denominational control. The Church also recognizes the benefits of cooperation with other churches in local, regional, and world missions, and will therefore voluntarily affiliate with church planting and replanting organizations or networks at the discretion of the Elders. Any involvement with these organizations or networks will take place in a manner consistent with these Bylaws.




7.1 General

The Church shall hold regular meetings for worship, ministry, discipleship, evangelism, and fellowship. Meetings shall be held at the principal office of the Church or at such other place or places within or outside the state of Georgia as may be designated from time to time by the Elders.

7.2 Yearly Partnership Meeting

At the annual Partnership meeting, the Elders will lead in such a way that the congregation can remember the vision, the Partnership Covenant, our Church leadership, and the importance to pray without ceasing. These meetings will be scheduled at the discretion of the Elders. Partners will be informed in a manner consistent with Article VII, Section 7.3.

7.3 Called Partnership Meeting

These meetings will be for the purpose of communication to the congregation on major financial decisions or matters of comparable importance. Whenever Partners are required or permitted to take any action at a meeting, notice shall be given to Partners no less than two weeks prior to a meeting specifying the general nature of the meeting. Notification of Partnership meetings shall be given in any of the following manners which shall be deemed to be a reasonable method of calling a Membership meeting:

(1) Distribution of written material to the congregation in attendance at a Sunday service.

(2) Announcement of the meeting in the Church newsletter.

(3) Oral announcement to the congregation at a Sunday service.

(4) Delivery by United States mail, electronic mail to each partner, or through social media.




8.1 Officers

The officers of the Church shall be a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such other officers as the Council of Elders may deem necessary.

8.2 Election

The officers of the Church shall be elected by a vote of the Council of Elders in accordance with these Bylaws during the third quarter of the year and shall serve terms of two (2) years, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

8.3 Removal of Officers

Any officer may be removed from office by the Council of Elders with or without cause. A written notice of proposed removal of any officer shall be given to such officer by the Secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which any action to affect such removal is to be taken to ensure that the officer is given a reasonable opportunity of defense. The officer shall have the opportunity to answer the charges in the presence of his or her accusers but shall not be present during the discussion and vote on his or her removal. Such removal shall take place only upon and after an affirmative vote of the Elders present at such meeting in accordance with Article IV, Section 4.19.

8.4 Vacancies

Vacancies in the offices of the Church by reason of death, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by election of the Council of Elders as soon as is reasonably possible. Until such time, a Council of Elders member may be appointed by a majority of the remaining Elders to serve in such vacancy.

8.5 Secretary

The Secretary shall record or cause to be recorded in a minute book of the Church the minutes of all meetings of the Council of Elders and all votes taken at such meetings. The Secretary shall have charge of the official records and seal of the Church, and he/she shall perform such other duties as are incident to the office of Secretary and as may be assigned by the Council of Elders or their designee under whose supervision he/she shall be.

8.6 Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be the general custodian of all funds and other valuable effects belonging to the Church and shall deposit the same or cause the same to be deposited in the name and to the credit of the Church with such depository or depositories as the Council of Elders may from time to time designate. The Treasurer shall have the responsibility for the safekeeping of the funds and securities of the Church and shall keep or cause to be kept full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books of accounts and other accounting records of the Church. The Treasurer shall disburse, or permit to be disbursed, the funds of the Church in such a manner as may be ordered or authorized only by the Council of Elders and shall render to the officers of the Church and the Council of Elders on an annual basis or whenever deemed necessary, an account of all his transactions as Treasurer and of the financial status and affairs of the Church in accordance with these Bylaws. The Treasurer shall have the general duties, powers and responsibilities of a Treasurer of a Church and shall perform such other duties and have such other responsibilities and authority as may be assigned to him from time to time by the Council of Elders.




9.1 Employment of Personnel

All personnel employed by the Church shall report to and be subject to the supervision of the Lead Pastor, or such individuals and supervisors as the Lead Pastor deems appropriate to the proper and effective organization of the Church, such supervisors ultimately being under the care and authority of the Lead Pastor. A candidate for employment will be considered only after he/she has agreed to the New City Church at The Mill doctrinal statement and these Bylaws of the Church. All employees will be expected to maintain behavioral and spiritual practices in keeping with the Scriptures and teachings of New City Church at The Mill consistent with these Bylaws and as reviewed regularly with the supervisor.

9.2 Offices

The offices of the Church shall be located at such place or places as the Council of Elders may from time to time determine.




10.1 Formation

The Council of Elders may appoint Teams as needed to accomplish various ministry needs. These Teams will organize themselves in a productive manner to accomplish the goal of the Team. These Teams will receive oversight from the Elders or those they designate. Volunteers and staff, particularly those who work with children and security details, will be subject to background and reference checks prior to being assigned to this work. As a matter of practice, and to ensure the safety of those entrusted to the church’s care, workers are not permitted to be alone with children.




11.1 General Policy

The policy of the church shall be to indemnify to the maximum extent permitted by the General Statutes of Georgia any one or more of the elders, officers, employees, and/or agents or the Church, and also any one or more of the former elders, officers, employees, and/or agents of the Church, and also any persons who serve or have served at the request of the church as elders, officers, partners, trustees, employees or agents of another foreign or domestic church, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against judgments, penalties, settlements and other liabilities incurred by them in connection with any pending, threatened or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, investigative or administrative ( hereafter "proceeding") and against reasonable costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) in connection with any proceeding, where such liabilities and litigation expenses were incurred incident to the good faith performance of their duties as an elder, officer, employee, or agent of the Church.

11.2 Use of Corporate Funds

The Church may advance expenses in connection with any proceeding to any such person in accordance with applicable law. The use of funds of the Church for indemnification or for the purchase and maintenance of insurance for the benefit of the persons designated in Article XI Section 11.1 shall be deemed a proper expense of the Church.




12.1 Seal

The following seal, if any, shall be adopted as the official seal of the Church:

[Corporate Seal]






12.2 Waiver of Notice

An Elder or other person entitled to receive a notice required to be given under the provisions of these bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation or by applicable law, may waive such notice by signing a written waiver, whether before or after the date and time stated in the notice. The waiver shall be filed with the minutes or corporate records. An Elder’s attendance at or participation in a meeting waives any required notice to that Elder of the meeting unless the Elder, at the beginning of the meeting (or promptly upon arrival), objects to holding the meeting or transacting business at the meeting and does not thereafter vote for or assent to action taken at the meeting.

12.3 Checks

All checks, drafts or orders for the payment of money shall be signed by the officer or officers or other individuals that the Council of Elders may from time to time designate.

12.4 Loans

No loans shall be contracted on behalf of the Church and no evidence of indebtedness shall be issued in its name unless authorized by a resolution of the Council of Elders.

12.5 Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Church shall be the period ending on December 31st of each calendar year.




13.1 Procedure

We would pray that God in his grace would preserve the Church from this end. However, if such a time were to come where the Church needed to be dissolved, the Church shall be dissolved by a unanimous vote of the Council of Elders followed by the approval of the Partners in accordance with these Bylaws.

13.2 Dissolution of New City Church at The Mill

Upon the dissolution of the Church, the Council of Elders shall, after paying or making provision for the payments of all of the liabilities of the Church, dispose of all the assets of the church exclusively for the purpose of the Church in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Council of Elders shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the District Court of Baldwin County in which the principal office of the Church is then located, exclusively for such purposes or such organization or organizations as said Court shall determine which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.




14.1 Organizations Within the Church

No organization shall be formed within or considered to be a part of the Church activities before the sponsors have submitted their plans to the Council of Elders for their approval and sanction. The various organizations and ministries within the Church are to remain in close contact with the Council of Elders, or a representative chosen by the Council of Elders. No organization shall be permitted to function under the name of the Church whose chairman or supervisor is not a Partner of the Church.

14.2 Fund-raising

Methods of fund-raising by any and all organizations operating as part of the Church shall be subject to the approval of the Council of Elders.

14.3 Property

In case of a division of the Church (from which we pray God by His mercy to preserve us), the dispute shall be submitted to Peacemaker Ministries for binding arbitration.




15.1 Statement of Biblical Belief Regarding Marriage and Sexuality

We believe and affirm that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: a single, exclusive, covenantal union between one man and one woman, for life, sanctioned by God as delineated in Scripture. We believe and affirm that God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other. We believe that God has commanded no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of marriage between a man and a woman. We believe and affirm from the teaching of Scripture that any other form of sexual conduct, such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bisexuality, gender reassignment, bestiality, incest, pedophilia, polygamy, or pornography is sinful and offensive to God. We believe and affirm that in order to preserve the function and integrity of the Church as the local body of Christ, and to provide a biblical role model to the Church Partners and the community, it is imperative that all Church Partners, those employed by the Church, or those who serve as volunteers in any capacity, shall abide by and agree to this Statement of Biblical Belief Regarding Marriage and Sexuality and conduct themselves accordingly by the Grace of God.




16.1 Process

The Council of Elders shall make any amendments to the Bylaws. Amendments may be made at any meeting of the Council of Elders provided that each amendment shall have been presented at a previous regular or scheduled meeting of Elders and copies of the proposed amendment shall be furnished to each person present. The proposed amendment must pass by a vote of the Elders in accordance with Article IV Section 4.19. The church Partners shall be notified of any amendments in accordance with those methods described in Article VII Section 7.3.